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Who and Why?

November 4, 2020-Quick! Which authors do you admire and why? I’m here to let you in on a little secret. The authors you chose aren’t special; they’re just like us. If they can do it, so can you! There are things that best selling authors have in common!  Let me prove it to you; here’s what you need to succeed.

  1. Tenacity-An unwillingness to give up or give in. If Stephen King’s wife hadn’t urged him to pull his manuscript out of the garbage, we would have no Carrie, and Mr. King still might be a janitor. His manuscript for Carrie was rejected 30 times! Be unwilling to give up. People will tell you “no” a thousand times..but that just gets you closer to “yes.”
  2. A platform-It’s essential today to have a platform on social media to connect with your readers. The most successful authors interact with people and post things that readers want to know about, such as writing tips, advice, interviews, and excerpts from your books.
  3. A great story-No; I’m not just talking about the story in your book. I’m talking about the story of you. How you became an author, how you overcame challenges and obstacles, and how you eventually succeeded. People don’t buy your books. They buy YOU.
  4. Passion-If you’re not passionate about your work, how can anyone else be? Love what you do because you won’t stick with it on the bad days if you don’t. It’s what gets you excited and out of bed in the morning, and successful authors are passionate about their books and sharing them with others.
  5. Dedication-Successful, best-selling authors are dedicated to their craft. Writing is their job, and they treat it as such. Dedication beats talent when talent doesn’t work. Read that sentence again.

You can achieve your dreams. Believe in yourself, get to work, and refuse to give up.

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