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It’s All You


June 24, 2020– Some of you may find this post jaded or less than optimistic, but I want to speak the truth. There is only one person that you can count on in this world, and that one person is you. People will disappoint you, they’ll let you down, they’ll do things that hurt you, it’s only a matter of time. And eventually, you may do the same things to them. Sometimes it’s the people closest to us who end up hurting us the most. The point is, it’s all about you and only you. This life is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT your responsibility, and no one is coming to save you. You’re the only person who gets to decide what you’re going to do with your life, what you’ll tolerate and what you won’t, the boundaries you set forth, and what type of person you’ll be and the legacy you’ll leave behind. It’s time to start asking yourself some tough questions, dear author friends.

  1. What kind of books do you want to write for the world to read?
  2. What legacy do you want to leave behind, and who do you want to leave it for?
  3. What are your dreams, and are you risking enough to follow them?
  4. What do you want to accomplish in the next year? How will you do it?
  5. What three things can you improve in your writing this month?
  6. How can you get to know yourself better?
  7. What excuses are you making for not meeting your goals?
  8. Why are you holding back on what you want to write?
As writers, I often feel as though we’re focused on other people, that being, the characters that we create. This is an interesting concept to me because all characters that we write about have certain aspects of ourselves in them. It is impossible to write a book and not leave pieces of yourself behind. Sometimes I create characters based on the people that are missing in my life, the people I wish surrounded me instead of the ones that do.
You create your own reality, good or bad, that’s on you. If you want a different life or something different than what you’re currently getting, the only person that can actively make that change is you. And remember to CLAP for your own damn SELF, then get back to work. We have a lot of people to prove wrong…sometimes even ourselves.
Happy writing, X LLB
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