Contact Info/Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines:

Please follow the submission guidelines below to be considered.

  • Please introduce yourself and how you found out about Pandamonium.
  • Please include your query.
  • Please send a synopsis of your work (include the ending of the book) and please make it one page only. A synopsis is a brief summary of your book.
  • Please include the first five pages (or entire children’s book manuscript) of your manuscript pasted into the BODY of your e-mail. We won’t open attachments unless they are from a trusted source.
  • Please include the word count for your submission.
  • Please allow 4-12 weeks for a response as this allows the much-needed time to accurately address your manuscript. We also don’t accept simultaneous submissions; if you’ve already submitted to another publisher, please wait for their response before submitting your work to us. We will send you a response either way via e-mail, so remember to include your contact information!
  • Please don’t take anything personally. Sometimes we reject manuscripts for different reasons; maybe we’re at our maximum publishing quota for the year, maybe the story isn’t a great fit for our publishing house, etc. Whatever the reason, please don’t take it personally. Keep submitting and keep trying!

To send us your work, follow the guidelines above. E-mail us at and include SUBMISSION in the subject line. Please note that if the above guidelines are not adhered to, your manuscript will be immediately disqualified from consideration. We look forward to reading your work.


T: 905-979-4949