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October 4 Writing Prompt


October 4, 2021– Depending on where you live and in what country, continent, city, province, or state you’re in, the weather changes from place to place.  I remember as a kid seeing a huge raincloud over the neighbour’s house, but it was sunny over ours…such a cool phenomenon! During our theme this month which is photo writing prompts, you’re not only going to see picturesque landscapes with orange, yellow, and red leaves based on the season, but you’re also going to get photo prompts that challenge you as a writer.  Not everyone is experiencing the same October as you are, and I want to be mindful of that in the photos I choose.

The point of photo writing prompts is to stretch us out of our comfort zones as writers and to allow us to explore the depths of our imaginations. For today’s prompt, I urge you to sit with it for a while, let it speak to you. If you continue to participate in this October Photo Prompt Challenge, you should have enough short stories for a complete anthology by the end of it.

Today’s challenge– Write a third-person account of the photo above. Use 2000 words and incorporate all five senses.  Happy writing! X LLB

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