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Your Habits Determine Your Future…

November 6, 2019– Habits are defined as something that we do often and regularly, sometimes without realizing it. What if I told you that if I looked at your daily habits, that I could predict your future? Well, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.

  1. Success doesn’t just happen. Success and the quality of your life depend on the things you do consistently. Think of this, if you made a decision to work on your manuscript for fifteen minutes each day, or to make three phone calls to a potential client, or that you were going to pack a lunch instead of buying it, think of how much of a difference these little habits would make over the course of a year! Successful people don’t just float to the top, their success is based on their habits. Do you know what most billionaires have in common? They work out daily, they meditate, and they wake up early. They have good habits that carry into other areas of their lives.
  2. Bad habits will eventually catch up to you. Do you smoke? How do you feel? How will you feel ten years from now if you don’t quit? Do you procrastinate? Do you find ways to avoid doing what needs to be done to help yourself in the future? What will happen in a few months if you decide to keep procrastinating? Will you lose a promotion? Will you lose your shot at a dream job? Bad habits may seem like they don’t matter right now, but eventually they catch up with us. By improving one thing each day, you can dramatically change your entire life. If you smoked one less cigarette per week and kept building on your success, soon you’d be smoke free!

I could go on and on about habits and how they help or hinder us, but you get the picture. What habits are you creating to further your writing career? Are you working on them every day? I hope so!
