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Banning Books Infringes on Our Fundamental Rights

March 22, 2024– There will never be a time that we won’t stand up for authors, artists, and the freedom of expression. The ongoing debate surrounding the banning of books in schools and libraries is concerning. Banning books directly violates the fundamental human right to freedom of expression, stifling authors’ ability to share ideas and perspectives and depriving the public of access to diverse viewpoints. Intellectual freedom, crucial for personal development, critical thinking, and societal progress, is dangerously compromised when books are banned. We understand that all books may not be for all people, but we believe that it’s up to each individual to decide for themselves (and parents can choose what they want their children to read), what they want to read. Some of my favorite books have been banned at one point in time or another including: To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Grapes of Wrath, The Color Purple, 1984, Animal Farm, The Catcher in the Rye, and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. All of these books made an immense impact on me as a teenager and I still think about them today, years after reading and re-reading them. Let’s examine the harmful consequences of book banning:

  1. Violation of Free Speech: Banning books infringes upon the fundamental right to free speech and expression. It limits the diversity of ideas and perspectives available to the public, stifling intellectual freedom.
  2. Censorship: Book banning is a form of censorship, where certain ideas or viewpoints are suppressed. This censorship can stop important discussions on controversial topics and prevent individuals from accessing information that may broaden their understanding of the world.
  3. Suppression of Knowledge: Banning books restricts access to information and knowledge, hindering educational development. It deprives readers of the opportunity to engage with diverse viewpoints and form their own opinions and beliefs.
  4. Historical and Cultural Impact: Many banned books are considered literary classics or important historical documents. Banning these works can erase important cultural and historical narratives, limiting our understanding of the past and present.
  5. Limitation of Creativity: Banning books can also discourage authors from exploring challenging or controversial topics in their writing, fearing censorship or backlash. This limitation on creative expression hampers the development of literature and art.
  6. Selective Enforcement: Book banning often reflects the biases and values of those in positions of power. This can result in the selective enforcement of censorship, where certain perspectives are marginalized or silenced. My question is and always will be, who gets to decide what people should be reading or not reading and why should they decide for everyone?
  7. Impact on Libraries and Education: Banning books can disrupt educational curricula and restrict access to resources in libraries. It limits the ability of teachers to teach critical thinking and engage students in meaningful discussions about complex issues.

Banning books undermines the principles of free expression, intellectual freedom, and access to information essential for a democratic society. Instead of banning books, our efforts should be focused on promoting critical thinking skills, open dialogue, and diverse perspectives.

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