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Writing Prompt Challenge

October 26, 2021– Today, we have a super fun challenge for you! We’ve done new writing prompt challenges for almost an entire month, and we sure hope you’ve enjoyed them. Some have been more difficult than others; nonetheless, I hope you come away with something after this month’s theme is complete. Today’s photo may be seen as simple, but I think this will be a challenge for lots of folks.

Here are the instructions for today:

Write a 1500 word short story in the third person narrative in the fantasy genre.

Third-person narrative: The Merriam Webster dictionary defines thirdperson narrative as ” a writing style that uses a set of words or forms (such as pronouns or verb forms) that refer to people or things that the speaker or writer is not addressing directly. He, she, it, they tell the story from that perspective or point of view.

Fantasy genre: Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real-world myth and folklore.

As always, if you’d like to submit your work to us for consideration, send it to
Happy writing! X LLB