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Children’s Books Squared

May 20, 2021-As we continue our theme for children’s book writing this month, we need to talk about an important element of kid’s books; we’re not talking about margins, bleeds, or gutters, although those things are essential and will make or break your picture book, we’re talking about orientation!

Did you know there are hard and fast rules for the type of book that you’re writing when it comes to orientation? You should know what the standards are, especially if you’re self-published. You MUST choose your orientation immediately because this will affect everything going forward. The last thing you want to do is piss off your illustrator and make a change at the end when everything has been formatted and oriented for a specific way. Choose the orientation early based on these guidelines:

  1. Vertical– Character-based books are best showcased this way. A vertical orientation with a big illustration of the main character is an excellent way to draw readers to your book! It also looks great on the shelf in the bookstores. Think Panda the Very Bad Cat available here: Panda the Very Bad Cat Collection! – Pandamonium Publishing House
  2. Horizontal-Books that illustrate a journey are best orientated this way. Stories about a journey through time or an adventure of adoption from the eyes of a puppy! Think Oswald’s surprise by Jake Evanoff available here: Oswald’s Surprise by Jake Evanoff – Pandamonium Publishing House
  3. Square– Instructional books are what’s best for square orientations. Subjects can include potty training, bedtime routines, and how-to. Think Berenstain Bears or Clifford the Big Red Dog books.

There’s a lot to know about writing books in general, but even more to know about writing books for kids!  If you’d like a price quote on how we can help your self-published book get off the ground, we’re happy to help! Send us an email to for a personalized, free quote.