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Artificial Intelligence and Writing

March 2, 2021– This month as we explore your most asked questions, we’ll focus on what you really want to know. Send us an email at and ask away!

Here is the question for today and it’s a good one:

Q: “I’ve heard that it’s possible in the next ten years that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take over writing non-fiction books, blog posts, and news articles…is this true?”

A:“It’s already here and it’s already happening. In April 2019, the first textbook written by AI was published. AI is basically designed to take over the parts of writing that are less than exciting and part of its job of pumping out new content, is only the beginning. Think of it this way, AI can get the story completed in less time, published faster, bring the work to market faster, and do all of that without stopping for rest or experiencing any type of burnout. AI can work constantly with no supervision or handholding and can put out a ton of articles/books etc. within hours. But, what does this mean for the future of authors? It means that you had better find your voice and your niche and find them fast. Your work needs your own personal stamp and if it doesn’t have that already, you’re going to be in trouble. Same goes for author platform. Artificial Intelligence is no longer bound by human programmers telling it what to do; if we give it enough data and algorithms it will train itself. Let’s say that we gave AI the direction to study the work of James Patterson and it writes a new book without plagiarizing any of Patterson’s work, but it’s clearly in his “voice” (Patterson’s). Who owns the copyright? After all, James Patterson didn’t write it,  AI did. For right now, the view is that non-humans cannot own copyright, so if JP didn’t write the book does the company that created the AI technology  own it? It’s muddled, convoluted, and downright unethical to not have artists/authors retain the copyright to their works. But, is this the future of writing? I think so and it’s developing more quickly than we realize.”

To find your unique author voice, check out our Best Seller Bootcamp here: Best-Seller Bootcamp – Pandamonium Publishing House  or our Children’s Book Writing Master Class, here: Children’s Book Writing Master Class – Pandamonium Publishing House