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Money, Money, Money, Money, Money

March 10, 2021– All throughout March, we’re answering your most asked questions when it comes to publishing, writing, and everything in between! We hope you’re enjoying our posts so far, we have tons more to talk about. Let’s answer the question of the day:

Q: “Is it possible to make a living writing books? How much money can I expect to make as an author?”

A: The short answer is yes and the sky is the limit. But, we must remember that nothing comes without hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It is definitely possible to make a living writing books. The more books you sell, the more money you make of course, and it’s advisable to write multiple books to increase your sales as well. But, writing a book is the easy part in some respects, the hard work comes after. I’m not simplifying the process that goes into writing a book by any means, I’m just saying that selling and marketing your book(s) are when the real work begins!  Personally, I’m very thankful that I have a business background in marketing, advertising, consumer neuroscience, consumer neuromarketing, and crafting viral and contagious content. Without this experience, I don’t think that I would have the tools that I need to properly market our books to reach our readers. Having a business background is  an essential part of being and author and publisher/self-publisher. I would recommend either getting educated in the space of book marketing etc. or hiring a company such as ours, to help you. It can be a daunting task and if you don’t have a business education, then you need to enlist the experts. That also goes for the authors who are traditionally published. Gone are the days where the traditional publisher does everything on behalf of the author. The truth is, unless you are extremely well known (think Stephen King, James Patterson, and the like), your publisher is less likely to sink major dollars into a marketing campaign for your book. That means that you have to put the work in! As for how much money you can expect to make as an author, the answer as said before, the sky is the limit. A well marketed and excellent book/series can earn more than enough to cover your bills and monthly expenses. Some people are able to quit their day jobs and spend their full time writing for a living. Self-published authors especially, have no cap on their income because they earn and keep 100% of their profits.

I know that was a long way around to get the answer, but I hope I answered it to your satisfaction!

If you’d like more information about the services that we can provide, check us out here: Course: Get Your Book Noticed and Increase Your Sales – Pandamonium Publishing House or send us an email to for a personalized quote based on your specific needs.