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Rising Above Criticism: Staying Focused on Your Writing Journey

woman in purple long sleeves pondering on what to write

March 19, 2024- As an aspiring author, the journey of writing a book is both rewarding and challenging. You pour your creativity and passion onto the pages and are proud of what you’re creating.  Amidst the excitement of it all, there may come moments of doubt and criticism, especially when faced with feedback from those who may not fully understand the process. In these moments, it’s crucial to stay resilient and focused on your vision. Let’s explore how to navigate criticism, particularly from those who may not grasp your creative process.

1. Recognize the Source: When receiving criticism, it’s essential to consider the source. Not everyone will understand the dedication and effort required to write a book. Some people may offer well-intentioned feedback, while others may not realize the complexities of the writing process. Understanding where the criticism is coming from can help you put things into context and determine the validity of the criticism. I’ve always said this, and I’ll say it again, never take advice from someone who isn’t doing better than you.

2. Trust Your Creative Vision: As the author, you possess a unique creative vision that drives your storytelling. Trust in your instincts and the story you’re passionate about telling. Remember that writing is a subjective art form, and not everyone will resonate with your work in its early stages. Stay true to your vision and let it guide you.

3. Embrace Constructive Feedback: While harsh criticism can be disheartening, there may still be nuggets of constructive feedback within it. Learn to separate constructive criticism from negativity and use it to strengthen your writing. Consider the underlying intentions behind the feedback and evaluate whether it aligns with your goals for the manuscript. Embracing constructive feedback can lead to growth and improvement as a writer.

4. Set Boundaries: It’s essential to set boundaries when receiving criticism, especially from those who aren’t writers or artists. Politely but firmly assert your boundaries and communicate your needs as an author. Let others know that while feedback is appreciated, it should be constructive and respectful of your work. Surround yourself with those who support and uplift you on your writing journey.

5. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Writing a book is a journey filled with highs and lows, victories and setbacks. We know that perfection isn’t the first draft, but focus on making progress and refining your story over time. Understand that the first draft is just that—a draft—and it’s natural for it to undergo revisions and improvements. Keep your eyes on the ultimate goal of bringing your vision to life, despite any criticism along the way.

6. Find Supportive Communities: Surround yourself with supportive communities of fellow writers who understand the challenges of the creative process. Join writing groups, attend workshops, and engage with online forums where you can share experiences, receive encouragement, and exchange feedback in a positive environment. Having a supportive community can provide the motivation and validation needed.

 Keep writing, keep creating, and let your passion illuminate the path ahead. X LLB

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