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Advertising (is what you pay for), Publicity (is what you pray for)

November 25, 2021-Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends, neighbours, clients, and readers! Enjoy your day and save some stuffing for us!

There’s a well-known saying in marketing that Advertising is what you pay for, Publicity is what you pay for. Today, as we continue to dish out author tips for self and book promotion all this month, we’re going to examine the differences and how you can use Publicity to your advantage.

Advertising: Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea, according to Wikipedia. I define it with much more simplicity-when you pay money to tell the public about your product or service.

Publicity: It is not a paid form of mass communication that involves getting favourable responses from buyers by placing commercially significant news in mass media. Publicity is not paid for by the organization. Publicity comes from reporters, columnists, and journalists, radio hosts, bloggers, and the public. It can be considered as a part of public relations. My definition, simply put, is when people are talking about your product and recommending it without you paying them to.

Why is Publicity so much more effective than advertising? 

  1. WOM. Word of Mouth. How do you find out about new books that you should add to your reading list? Maybe a friend recommended it, or perhaps it was part of a book club that you belong to; whatever the case, word of mouth is the most effective form of Publicity because the recommendations come from people we trust. Our friends and colleagues know us, and they wouldn’t steer us wrong or recommend something they know we wouldn’t like!
  2. Credibility. Anytime you or your organization control the message, people are skeptical. Look at political ads, for example; Paid for by the Blank Party of Canada. They control the message, and that means that they can spin it any way they want to. When the organization, publisher, or brand doesn’t control the message being provided to the public, that is where the truth is. Of course, authors will say that their new novel is the latest and greatest and akin to Stephen King, but the public may feel differently! Publicity is where the truth is. Think of it this way; advertising builds exposure, where Publicity builds trust.
  3. Cost. Publicity is free. Advertising costs tens of thousands of dollars a year and sometimes even more than that! Publicity is a journalist (who is not invested in your book by means of monetary gain) who writes an article for their column on your newest novel; it is reviews and recommendations of your book by readers on Amazon or online, it’s a Facebook or social media post that shows the cover of your book and someone enjoying it while they lay on a beach.

At this point, you’re probably wondering why in the world anyone would ever pay for advertising? While there are a number of answers to that, we’ll discuss that in a different post later on. For now, Publicity is critical.

If you’re interested in helping your book gain more traction, check out my courses here: Virtual Courses, Classes, and Workshops – Pandamonium Publishing House.



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Author Interviews

November 17, 2021– We’re talking about daily, actionable tips for authors to help promote themselves and their books all through November. Today, we’re focusing on author interviews! What exactly are author interviews, you ask? Well, I’m not going to tell you; I’m going to show you. There are endless benefits to doing author interviews like connecting with your audience, answering reader questions, and cross-promotion with other businesses, as you’ll see here with our very own Tonya Cartmell discussing her book The 12 Days of Rescue. Check out the video here:

Be to join us tonight, November 17th, at 7 pm EST on Facebook Live (Pandamonium Publishing House) as we talk to author Lynn Baillie about her new book Breaking Out of the Darkness. Stay tuned for more author interviews!

Check out our entire book listing here: Book Listings – Pandamonium Publishing House including Tonya’s!

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Show Them What They Mean

November 4, 2021– I know it’s only been a few days so far, but I hope you’re enjoying our daily tips for authors! Today we’re talking about customer appreciation; our customers are the best, and let’s face it, without them, we’d be out of business.

Show your customers what they mean to you in tangible ways! Whatever you choose to do doesn’t have to cost a fortune and can be memorable and sincere.

  • Thank them: So many businesses today don’t thank their customers. Rarely do you hear a store clerk say, “Thank you for your purchase or Thank you for shopping at (fill in the blank).” It’s a simple gesture that is taken for granted, and this simple, free act is enough to make your customer stop and take notice. Consumers today are so underwhelmed by customer service (and most of us even think that bad service is the new normal) that saying thank you and being sincere and authentic about it will impress them, and they’ll remember you. You’ll make an impression, that’s for sure.
  • Personalization: Address your customer by name whenever possible and show interest in their lives. In our database, we have critical points on our customers such as buying behaviours, but we also have snippets about their family, their job, their interests and hobbies as they’ve given us this info. We’ll ask how the kids are, how the pets are, how work is going, and we’ll address them by name. People like to feel important, understood, and as friends, and these things help us convey that message.
  • Gift: Customer reward programs can take many forms, from coupons to free classes, vouchers, rebates, and more. Let your customers know you care by gifting them something they can use.
  • Touch base: If you haven’t heard from some of your customers for a while, be sure to reach out and see how they’re doing. Send a quick email that says you’re checking in to see how they are and that you hope they’re doing well. This lets your customers know that you genuinely care about them.
  • Greeting card: Every single year, on my birthday, I get a birthday card from the garage where I take my truck in to get an oil change. It was unexpected but such a nice gesture. They took time out of their day to write a handwritten note to say Happy birthday, and they gave me a coupon for 10% off my next oil change. Guess where my truck has gone to for service for the past ten years? If that’s not loyalty, I don’t know what is. Do the same for your customer base.

The point is, you won’t be in business for long if you don’t take care of your customers! Let them know that they matter because they do.

If you require any of our services, check them out here: Services – Pandamonium Publishing House for additional assistance, please email for a custom price quote

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Give it Away Now

November 3, 2021– We’re talking about daily tips for authors this month, and today we’re focusing on giveaways!

Giveaways are a great promotional tool for many reasons; let’s explore those functions and talk about some great ideas for your next giveaway!

Function: Giving away free promotional items or having a contest for a prize help people identify your brand and remind them of your business when they are ready to purchase.

Benefits of contests and giveaways for you as an author:

Giveaways and contests help grow your audience, boost engagement with your posts, and increase customer loyalty.

Define your goals: 

  1. What do you want your contest or giveaway to accomplish? Perhaps you want to grow your email list, increase engagement, reach new customers, or reward your clients. Whatever it is, be clear about what results you want.

I love contests and free stuff, who doesn’t? As long as you conduct your giveaways and contests in the proper way, it can be beneficial for everyone. Here are some best practices that you should follow:

  1. Be truthful. If you’re doing a draw for a contest and you’re having people fill out ballots with their email addresses, ask for their permission first to add them to your database. Be honest and say that you’d like to sign them up for some free coupons, contests, and your monthly newsletter. They have the choice to opt in or out.
  2. Never give this away. The one thing you should never give away is a copy of your book. Why? Because that deters people from purchasing it. If your book is a draw item or part of a prize pack, your customer will usually take their chances and wait to see if they’ve won rather than buy your book upfront. That’s why it’s best to use complementary items as we’ll list below.
  3. Make it easy. We don’t want any barriers for people entering the contest. Make the rules clear, ensure that the steps are easy, and follow through with delivery/pick up and after the winner has been chosen.

Here are some great giveaway ideas: 

-Promotional items such as pens, notepads, and cups with your business name or book name on them
-T-shirts, hats, tote bags with your book cover on them or the name of your business
-Gift cards, colouring pages, stickers, and activity sheets with your website info on them

A great way to entice people to visit your booth or table at an event is to have something highly intriguing and visible front and center. For example, let’s say that you’re a children’s book author; you can draw kids and their parents to your table by having an oversized, plush animal up for grabs in a contest. Maybe you’re a fiction writer who has a book for adults that has just come out and you’re offering a gift card to a spa or for wine tasting because that’s what your main character participates in during your book. Whatever you choose to offer, make sure it complements what your book is about or what your main character engages in.

Don’t forget to engage those on social media too! This helps boost engagement on your posts, increases shares, and gets people talking about you and your book.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube at Pandamonium Publishing House!