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Don’t Let This Happen to You

April 27, 2020– Did you know that most self-published authors sell less than a total of  100 copies of their book? That’s around $1000-$2000 for lifetime sales which is pretty dismal if you ask me. People write books for a lot of reasons some of them being: It’s a bucket list item, because they have a story to tell, or because they want the ability to say, “I wrote a book,” or “I’m an author,” and the list goes on. I suppose it’s because I’m a publisher, with a marketing and advertising background, that I look at the book business a little bit differently than if I was solely an author. But, just because you’re a self-published author, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t think of your writing as a business, IT IS.  Here are some tips on how to ramp up your book sales:

  1.  Build a platform. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Dig your well before you’re thirsty?” This applies here. I hope that you built your author platform before you published your book. If not, you can start right now. Pick the social media platforms that work for you, be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube etc. and be sure to engage with your audience. Let people know why you wrote your book, what inspires you, what books you love, and where they can get yours!
  2. Build a network. Join a  group, build relationships, and connect with people. It’s important to be surrounded by people who are just like you, but it’s even MORE important to be around people who are different than you. Why? Because you’ll learn the most from them. They’ll have ideas and suggestions that will push your thinking out of the box. The most brilliant ideas I’ve ever had for selling my books came from people who were NOT in the book business.
  3. Build your brand. YOU are the brand. Make sure you represent your book well.  Is your message consistent and clear or is it conflicting? The way you dress, the way you speak, how often and what you post, all matter. When you go to events and visit schools/businesses to present your book, your brand matters. Your marketing materials need to be branded in your colours, with your logo, and with the proper fonts and messages to get people interested in what you have to say.
  4. Build your list. Where do you want to see your book and how do you get it there? Do you want to see it in airports around the world? What must you do to make that happen? Do you want to find your book in all major bookstores? Who do you need to contact and what happens next? Which publications do you want to be interviewed by? Build your list of where to sell your book and be relentless in going after the things, people, and places that you want!

Of course, the above list is not extensive. Selling your book is a huge undertaking, but don’t be one of the many self-published authors who make little money. If you have self-published a book and don’t know where to start with marketing it, drop us a line because our team of experts can help! Email us today at for a price quote.
