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You Always Have a Choice

woman in blue denim jeans sitting on floor
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A Letter From Your Future Self

June 10, 2021– As we continue to dig into our Author Mindset theme this month, I’ve come across a really cool exercise! I want you to write a letter to yourself now from your future self. Yep, write a letter to your author self from the future and see what you’ve accomplished and achieved. Here’s an example of one that I wrote for myself.

Dear Lacey, 

I’m so excited to tell you that five of your books have become best sellers. I know that status doesn’t matter all that much to you, but it’s a big accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. Your tour across Canada and the United States in the Pandabus was a huge success. You made so many wonderful friends and important connections for Pandamonium Publishing House and the illustrators and authors that work there, plus you had a blast doing it! Your donation of the entire Pandamonium Publishing House collection to schools and literacy programs has made such a difference in the lives of young readers. You have helped ignite a love of reading among children with the stories you publish. 

Your continuing education has paid off; I know that the hours were long, and it was difficult to stay focused at times, but you made it. You have so much new knowledge to propel you to exciting heights in your career, business, and writing life. Hard work and perseverance paid off. You get what you work for, not what you wish for. But you’ve always said that best. 

Working towards getting the Pandamonium Collection into the hands of readers around the globe is no small task, but I believe in you, so you need to continue to believe in yourself. Great things are coming, don’t give up no matter how hard it gets. Literacy matters, and that is the goal that you must continue to focus on. Literacy is freedom and power for those who have it and use it. 

Things get tough sometimes, but on the bad days, I want you to remember why you’re doing this, to make a difference in the world and to leave a legacy of literacy. You have an army of people who are rooting for you and who stand beside you in your mission. When you think you can’t keep going or that there is too much darkness to endure, remember who is watching. Be the light you want to see in the world. When everything is going against you, remember that airplanes take off against the wind, not with it. You’re going to be better than fine, I promise. 

Keep working hard, and remember, the risk you’re afraid to take could be the one that changes your entire life. 

See you soon, 


By doing this exercise, we do two things that set us up for author success:

  1. Visualization. The letter from our future self allows us to visualize all of the success that we want to see. When we hold images in our minds and work toward them, they have no choice but to manifest. Visualizing everything you want to achieve, be, have, and do, is a powerful exercise that can give us a glimpse of what we’re working toward.
  2. Renewal. The letter we’ve written to ourselves renews our ambition. It reminds us to keep going and that our goals are reachable. It gives us a renewed sense of responsibility to ourselves, our readers, and our teams and urges us to realize that what we are working toward is so much bigger than ourselves.

I hope that you’ll do the exercise and that you’ll keep the letter in a place where you can read it often. Here’s to your success and an unbreakable author mindset.