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August 31, 2022-Every once in a while, we put out a blog post that’s not just for exclusive subscribers. We do this very rarely, but today is one of those days!

In Neuromarketing, we use something called a Rational Consumer Model which means that we are able to predict certain things about our customers based on the assumption that they act and think in a rational way when choosing goods and services. Rational Choice Theory states that: individuals rely on rational calculations to make rational choices that result in outcomes aligned with their best interests. It’s basically the conversation that customers have in their heads. The internal dialogue that their brain chatters to them day in and day out. In today’s post, we’ll explore 4 out of 10 types of internal dialogue that use deliberation.

When a person walks up to your booth at a show and looks at your books, they do the following things automatically:

  1. Retrieving memories“Have we met before?” “I think you may have done a presentation at the library on your novel.” Perhaps they’re trying to think of where they’ve seen your book before, your logo, or you may look familiar to them. If this is their first encounter with you, they may be trying to remember who they need to buy for (upcoming birthday etc.), reading to their own children, or remembering when they were read to as a child if you’re selling kid’s books.
  2. Interpreting the past- The last time I bought Billy a book, he didn’t like it. We read it once and never opened it again…I wonder if this will be the same case if I buy this one for him…maybe I should wait until he’s with me so that he can choose.” Your customer is interpreting the past so that they can decide if they make a similar decision now as they have previously if the results will be the same. They’re looking for a good past experience or a bad past experience that will help shape their decision.  
  3. Anticipating the future– “It’s Claire’s birthday next week…” When your customer sees your books, they automatically try to fill in the blanks of where your book can fill a want or a need.
  4. Planning “It’s Claire’s birthday next week, I’ll get her this book as part of her gift.” “The holidays are just around the corner; you can never start shopping too early! I can cross a bunch of book lovers off my list!” They’re now in the planning stage where they’re getting ready to purchase.

We didn’t cover all ten steps in today’s post (Check out our Neuromarketing for Authors Course here for more information: Neuromarketing for Authors Course – Pandamonium Publishing House) but the first four are a really good snapshot into the internal dialogue that happens for your customers when they go about their day and interact with you and your books. It’s imperative as booksellers that we know their thought process so that we can better help facilitate things and make their purchase easy, an enjoyable experience, and that they’re highly satisfied with their decision to purchase your book. By understanding consumer behaviour, we can better tailor each experience to their individual needs and build long-lasting relationships.

 If you’re interested in any of our courses, classes, or workshops, click here: Virtual Courses, Classes, and Workshops – Pandamonium Publishing House

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Persuasion Equation

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